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Welcome to Six Black Pens Pledge 5 page
Welcome to Six Black Pens Pledge 5 page
We’ll walk, run or ride 14,500kms, roughly the circumference of Australia, in 6 months to raise money for the World Wildlife Fund.
There’s no denying that our natural environment and wildlife need all the help they can get. So, for SBP’s 5th giving back pledge, we’re raising funds for the World Wildlife Fund.
Never fear, we won’t be leaving the office for all that time. Instead, we’ll be pounding Pyrmont Bridge on our way to and from work, striding out at lunchtime and hitting some personal and family fitness goals on the weekends.
Please join us in making a difference and donate today!
WWF- Australia (World Wide Fund for Nature Australia)
WWF's mission is to halt the degradation of our planet's natural resources and preserve our life-support system – the environment. By doing things smarter, we aim to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, preserving biodiversity so that we all benefit and enjoy our most precious gift. Our planet.
Please donate to WWF-Australia and help us to continue our important work.
Recent Donations